Experimenting: Selections from JTrust, my pop-up newsletter on trust and journalism

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Trust and Journalism, 2.0: We've Identified the Problem, Now Let's Collaborate on the Solution

For the length of its limited run, JTrust the newsletter and accompanying Twitter account helped keep people informed about the journalism and trust conversation. But the problem I set out to address with JTrust—providing a central place to see and connect on questions of trust and journalism—is still out there. It’s only gotten bigger and more pressing. Full article here. 


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A Visit to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico: a Small Town with Two Local Newspapers

Three generations into its run as a local family business, the Herald is just the kind of local news outlet the larger media community sees as crucial to the future of all journalism. 

Full Article Here

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‘We’re too stubborn to quit’: How this New Mexican Town Sustains Two Local Newspapers

Across town, the owner of the rival Sentinel says that her staff represents the full spectrum of political ideology, and that the paper aims to be a uniting force in the community. 

Full Article Here